Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I DID IT!!!!!!! The Salmon 19K is under my belt!

May 12, '08 8:18
This was at the beginning of the race--BEFORE we knew just what they meant by the Fish Ladder!!! on the map!
6.5 miles of rugged dirt trails up and down steep terrain. The Fish Ladder was approx. 3/4 mi straight up the side of a mountain. It is the closest I have ever come to a near death experience!! Not really kidding about that last sentence. BUT--we crossed the finish line in 2:43!! AND we were NOT last!!! How cool is that for 58 and first race?

Look--we are still smiling as we crossed the finish line! I think we've NEVER been so happy to see a 60's hippy van in our lives. That was our transportation back to the lunch site!
Also, my watercolor is being delivered to the gallery (I can't believe that I just wrote "gallery"!!!) this morning! I did a sunrise and called it "New Mercies". I forgot to take a picture of it!!!! so I am hoping that they will let me take one at the gallery. The show opens next Sat. and goes for a month. There will be an "artist reception" next Sat. pm--how cool is that?
So 58 is off to a wonderful start and I am thankful for every breath that I am given to dance through it. Thank all of you for your prayers and wonderful words of support and encouragement!
I will continue to keep you up to date with my dance.

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